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Senin, 11 April 2011

Gedung baru Anggota DPR

Edho007.Blog- Seperti yang dilangsir oleh media massa tentang perencanaan pembangunan gedung DPR yang ditaksir menghabiskan dana sebesar Rp. 1,6 Trilyun dan dana APBNP 2010 sebesar Rp. 250 Milyar juga segera digunakan setelah peletakan batu pertama. gedung yang tampak mewah dan megah tersebut akan menjadi kantor anggota DPR untuk beberapa tahun mendatang. Rencana pembangunan. artinya bahwa satu ruangan anggota DPR menghabiskan dana Sebesar Rp. 800 juta.
Pembangunan  Gedung ini telah menuai banyak kritik oleh masyarakat indonesia. mereka beranggapan bahwa rencana pembangunan ini hanya menghabiskan dana APBN. sungguh ironis didengar, para anggota DPR sibuk mencanankan gedung mewah untuknya sedangkan  masih banyak rakyat indonesia yang hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan. dua partai telah menyetujui pembangunan ini, yaitu Partai Demokrat dan Golkar, sedangkan partai PDIP, Hanura, Gerindra dan PAN menolak pembangunan ini. Apakah Gedung telah menjadi prioritas para anggota DPR?.

Selain itu kritikan muncul akibat model bangunan kantor DPR mirip dengan kantor parlemen chile. mau bangun gedung tapi tidak kretif.... kalau dilihat dengan Gambar memang mirip.

Apakah Gedung ini sesuai dengan kinerja wakil rakyat?   
Alasan pembangunan ini adalah masalah ruang kerja yang sempit dan harus di isi dengan 4 sampai 5 orang. tapi bagaimana yah dengan kinerja anggota DPR?     
inilah salah satu gambar suasana sidang anggota DPR, bisa kita lihat hanya sedikit para wakil rakyat itu untuk bersidang. semua kursi tampak kosong. kehadirannya pun tidak sampai 80%. sungguh memalukan, mau menuntuk haknya tapi malah mangkir dari kewajibannya. ada-ada saja ulah anggota DPR, namun ada yang paling parah yang dilakukan anggota DPR saat sidang paripurna. mau tau? coba lihat nih gambar

Coba tebak apa yang dilakukan orang yang satu ini? that`s right. dia nonton film porno saat sidang paripurna. wah hati-hati yah.... nanti sidangnya diganti, bukan lagi sidang paripurna tapi jadi sidang pariporno. hahaha....
melihat gambar dan suasana kinerja anggota DPR ternyata tidak sebanding. mereka mau fasilitas yang mewah tapi kerja hanya bolos dan nonton video porno. APA KATA DUNIA? ingat uang yang anda pakai untuk pembangunan gedung itu adalah uang rakyat. kalau anda pakai berarti anda cashbon dong dengan rakyat, memalukan sekali. sudah dapat gaji yang lebih dan fasilitas yang mewah, eehh bukannya bersyukur malah minta yang lebih dasar serakah.bukankah baiknya dana yang banyak itu digunakan untuk mensejehterahkan rakyat dan pembangunan infrastuktur negara kita seperti jalanan, jembatan dan sistem drenase agar tidak sering lagi banjir. masih banyak orang yang membutuhkan bantuan kita. dan bukankah anda harusnya mendengarkan aspirasi rakyat bukan mengabaikan aspirasi rakyat.

ini hanya sebagian kecil gambaran keadaan masyrakat kita, semoga anda mau memikirkan ulang rencana Anda pentingkanlah kepentingan umum daripada kepentingan pribadi..
By ; ridho edho Pangestu                                                                                                         

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Gempa 8,9 SR Jepang

Jum'at, 11 Maret 2011, 15:40 WIB
Arry Anggadha

VIVAnews - Gempa berkekuatan 8,9 skala Richter mengguncang wilayah timur laut Jepang. Gempa diikuti dengan gelombang tsunami setinggi empat meter yang menyapu wilayah pesisir Jepang.

Associated Press melaporkan, Jumat 11 Maret 2011, akibat gempa itu satu orang tewas. Polisi mengatakan korban tewas ditemukan dalam runtuhnya rumah di prefektur Ibaraki, sebelah timur laut Tokyo.

Dilaporkan juga, tsunami  menyapu kapal, mobil, dan bangunan. Tayangan televisi menunjukkan gelombang air berlumpur menyapu lahan pertanian di dekat kota Sendai, dan membawa bangunan.

"Ini adalah gempa besar yang langka, dan kerusakan cepat bisa naik dalam hitungan menit," kata Junichi Sawada, pejabat Badan Penanggulangan Bencana.

Hingga saat ini nilai kerusakan dan korban jiwa masih terus dicermati. (umi)
• VIVAnews

Bencana Jepang: 10.498 Tewas, 16.600 Hilang Tsunami menyebabkan banjir seluas 500 kilometer persegi.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011, 10:50 WIB
Nur Farida Ahniar
Sisa Tsunami (AP Photo/Kyodo News)
VIVAnews- Kepolisian Jepang mengatakan akibat bencana gempa dan tsunami 11 Maret lalu, sekitar 10.489 orang meninggal, dan lebih dari 16.600 dinyatakan hilang.

Seperti dilansir laman NHK, sebanyak 6.333 orang tewas di Prefektur Miyagi. Di Prefektur Iwate 3.152 telah dikonfrmasi meninggal, sementara di Prefektur Fukushima 946 tewas. Polisi mengatakan jumlah korban meninggal dan hilang kemungkinan akan meningkat, karena banyak korban dan seluruhnya keluarga tersapu oleh tsunami.

Badan Kepolisian Nasional mengatakan setidaknya 18.000 rumah hancur oleh gempa dan tsunami, dan sekitar 140.000 rumah rusak. Di Prefektur Iwate saja, lebih dari 12.000 rumah roboh.

Sementara itu, berdasar citra satelit, gempa dan tsunami menghantam pantai timur Jepang membuat banjir sejauh 500 kilometer persegi. Sebuah perusahaan geospatial di Tokyo, Pasco, menganalisa gambar satelit dari garis pantai yang membentang dari Aomori ke Prefektur Imagi, yang diambil antara 11-20 Maret.

Perusahaan itu mengatakan daerah banjir mencakup 470 kilometer persegi. Prefektur Miyagi adalah daerah paling terkena, yaitu 300 kilometer persegi daerahnya tersapu banjir. Sementara di Prefektur Fukushima, 110 kilometer persegi daerah itu rusak, sedangkan Prefektur Iwate, 50 kilometer persegi rusak akibat tsunami.

Di bagian selatan Miyagi, dari gambar terbaru diambil 24 Maret, terlihat daerah terkena banjir menyusut, namun 70 persen masih terendam air.
• VIVAnews 

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Radiation in water rushing into sea tests millions of times over limit

Workers try to stop the spread of radiation at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 

Tokyo (CNN) -- Another attempt by Japanese officials to stop the leaking of highly radioactive water from a nuclear reactor into the ocean failed Tuesday, the country's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said.
A silica-based polymer dubbed "liquid glass" was pumped into the leaking shaft from below at reactor No. 2 of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Workers hoped that the substance would harden and fill gaps beneath the concrete that was poured into the shaft in a previous unsuccessful attempt, but the material did not set as hoped, NISA reported.
It was the latest of a series of setbacks Japanese authorities faced Tuesday, with the detection of radiation in a fish and news that water gushing from the nuclear plant into the Pacific had radiation levels more than millions of times above the regulatory limit.
Readings from samples taken Saturday in the concrete pit outside the turbine building of the plant's No. 2 reactor -- one of six at the crisis-plagued plant -- had radiation 7.5 million times the legal limits, said an official with the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs the plant. Newer findings, from Tuesday afternoon, showed a sizable drop to 5 million times the norm.
The utility company also noted Tuesday that the radiation levels diminished sharply a few dozen meters from the leak, consistent with their assessment that the spill might have a minimal effect on sea life. But even in these spots, radiation levels remained several hundred-thousand times the legal limit.
Both the utility and Japan's nuclear safety agency say they don't know how much water is leaking into the sea from reactor No. 2. But engineers have had to pour nearly 200 tons of water a day into the No. 2 reactor vessel to keep it cool, and regulators say they believe the leak originates there
The entire issue underlined that getting a grip on how to minimize the amount of radiation in the Pacific Ocean is the new, primary battlefront in the weeks-long crisis at the nuclear plant.
About the same time as the Tokyo Electric news, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the presence of radioactive iodine "in one sample of fresh fish" prompted authorities to regulate the radiation in seafood for the first time.
While fishing has been forbidden within 20 kilometers (12 miles) of Fukushima Daiichi, there had been no restrictions on seafood, as there were for some vegetables and milk from certain locales. Now, the same radiation standards that apply to vegetables will apply to ocean products as well.
"The "provisional ingestion limit, equivalent to vegetables and applied to fish and shellfish, will take effect immediately," the Cabinet minister said.
Earlier Tuesday, Edano apologized for the decision to intentionally dump 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the sea -- all part of the effort to curb the flow of the more toxic liquid spotted days ago rushing from outside the No. 2 unit.
The process of expelling contaminated water in the plant's water treatment facility and around several of its reactors began Monday and will take five days, a Tokyo Electric official said.
"The water contains a high level of radiation," Edano said of the liquid being dumped into the Pacific. "We are sorry for this decision we have to make."
The most contaminated batches of this water comes from outside the No. 6 reactor, likely having gotten in via groundwater (and not a breach in the unit itself), officials said. It has a concentration of iodine-131 that would be 100 times more than the maximum amount of tap water that infants could drink, and 10 times more than what would be OK in food.
Overall, the dump equates to about 3 million gallons, notes Gary Was, a nuclear engineering professor from the University of Michigan.
Yet Hidehiko Nishiyama, a NISA official, said, "We've decided that discharging the contaminated water into the sea poses no major health hazard."
Experts say this is a fair assessment, given the likelihood the contamination should quickly dilute, especially if the tainted material is largely iodine-131, which loses half its radiation every eight days.
"To put this in perspective, the Pacific Ocean holds about 300 trillion swimming pools full of water, and they are going to release about five swimming pools full," said Timothy Jorgensen, chair of the radiation safety committee at Georgetown University Medical Center. "So hopefully the churning of the ocean and the currents will quickly disperse this so that it gets to very dilute concentrations relatively quickly."
John Till, president of the South Carolina-based Risk Assessment Corp., said he does not expect to see any permanent effects on marine life, even close to the plant. However, he added that officials should monitor radiation levels closely -- in the ocean as well as in seafood that reaches restaurants and markets.
One piece of good news, according to Japanese government reports, is that airborne radiation appears to be steadily falling around northeast Japan. Two measures from 15 kilometers or less from the plant showed amounts of radioactive iodine-131 at between 2 and 3.7 times the legal standard, with levels of a far longer-lasting cesium isotope well below the official limit.
Also, utility and government officials have described conditions recently in the Fukushima Daiichi plant's reactors and spent nuclear fuel pools as generally stable. There have been exceptions -- like the new need to pump 3-meter deep water from a drain outside the Nos. 5 and 6 units for fear it could rise, enter nearby turbine buildings and short out power for the units' nuclear fuel cooling systems. But such problems aren't occuring at the same pace, or with the same apparent severity, as was evident weeks ago.
The top priority, however, is stopping the water that's been gushing directly into the Pacific through a cracked concrete shaft outside the No. 2 reactor.
Edano said Monday that the decision to dump tainted water from other reactors and the waste water treatment facility was "unavoidable" in order to ensure "the safety" of the No. 2 reactor core.
The idea is to expeditiously pump the tainted water from around the No. 2 reactor's turbine building, lowering levels inside so that water no longer rushes out into the sea, a Japanese nuclear safety official said. This comes after two attempts failed to plug the problematic crack -- one by pouring in concrete, the other using a chemical compound mixed with sawdust and newspaper.
Reactors No. 1 and No. 3, which have lower levels of water, need to be drained as well. Tokyo Electric's plan is to pump that water to other storage tanks, including some that still need to be set up. Water in and around the Nos. 5 and 6 reactors is being jettisoned directly in the sea, officials said.
Another big problem may be that authorities still don't know how exactly the gushing water got contaminated, where it came from, or how to fix potential leaks and cracks deep inside the reactor complex and nuclear fuel.
Michael Friedlander, a former senior U.S. nuclear engineer, said late Monday that authorities will continue to have problems related to excess, radioactive water -- and the need to dump some of it -- as long as they inject huge amounts in to prevent fuel rods from overheating in reactors' cores and spent fuel pools.
"This is not a one-off deal," Friedlander said of dumping radioactive water into the ocean. "This issue of water and water management is going to plague them until they can get (fully operating) long-term core cooling." 
CNN's Whitney Hurst, Matt Smith and Kyung Lah and journalist Hiroo Saso contributed to this report.
By the CNN Wire Staff
April 5, 2011 -- Updated 1352 GMT (2152 HKT)